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The role of commodity packaging?


1. Protecting commodities: Protecting commodities is one of the important functions of product packaging boxes. During the circulation process, products may be affected by various external factors, causing damage, pollution, leakage, or deterioration of the product. Scientific and reasonable packaging can make goods resistant to various external factors.

2. Function 2: Convenient circulation: Packaging provides conditions and convenience for product circulation. Products are packaged in a certain quantity, shape, specification, size, and different containers, and various signs are usually printed on the outside of the packaging to reflect the product name, quantity, specification, color, and overall packaging volume, gross weight, net weight, factory name, factory address, and precautions during storage and transportation. This is not only conducive to the distribution and allocation of goods, counting, but also conducive to storage and transportation effects, Improve the economic benefits of the product.

3. Promoting sales: Exquisite product packaging can beautify products, promote products, and promote sales. Packaging can not only improve the market competitiveness of goods, but also attract customers and guide consumption with its unique artistic charm, becoming the main driver of promoting consumer purchase

4. Convenient consumption: The packaging varies with the product in various forms, making it easy for consumers to carry, store, and use. The drawings, trademarks, and text descriptions on the packaging not only facilitate consumer identification, but also introduce the ingredients, properties, uses, and methods of use and storage of the product, playing a role in facilitating and guiding consumption.

Four Elements of Extended Data

1. Packaging materials: Packaging materials are the material foundation of packaging and the material bearer of packaging functions.

2. Packaging technology: Packaging technology is the key to achieving packaging protection functions and ensuring the quality of the goods inside.

3. Packaging structure modeling: Packaging structure modeling is a specific form of packaging materials and packaging technology.

4. Surface decoration: Surface decoration is a major means of beautifying, promoting, and introducing products through images and text.